Super-Nova is a superhero-themed visual novel set in the fictional city of Nova. The story follows Nick, a college junior who unexpectedly finds himself drawn into a world of superpowered heroes and v
Leave all of your troubles behind and start anew in the idyllic mountain town of Woodcrest! Reunite with an estranged best friend, begin a new career, meet the town's weirdest and most wonderful inhab
Minotaur Hotel is an award-winning gay romance story where you'll meet and grow close with Asterion, the Minotaur of Greek legend, and manage a magical hotel staffed by a cast of mythological beings.
Hey There!I'm Healer Main and I'm in the process of creating a visual novel themed on a magical concept I've had floating around my brain for years. I have been so inspired by countless VNs over the p
Steamy Hot Springs is about is the main character(you) is down on his luck after recently losing his job and struggling to keep a roof over his head, you receive a mysterious letter that may solve all