Threefold Recital is set in an oriental fantasy world. The metropolis of Qinglong, once thriving for millennia, faces decline. The blend of magic and technology complicates governance. Rising tensions among humans, beastlings, and dragons worsen the situation. In hidden corners, a crisis brews...
All beings hold a soul's hidden grace, This tale, a woven dream upon the page. Sometimes on a forgotten shelf they rest, Yet within, their own lives manifest.
Step into an oriental fantasy realm inhabited by humans, beastlings, and majestic dragons. After a golden age spanning thousands of years, the bustling metropolis of Qinglong now faces tumultuous times. Here, magic and technology coexist, complicating social governance. To further stir the pot, the secret art behind ancient miracles—presumed long lost—is resurfacing. Beneath the city's clamor, a storm unlike any other is quietly brewing...
A long, long time ago, there lived a wolf, a fox, and a snake. But these weren’t just your ordinary wild animals. They were very patient and wise, and after a lot of hard work, they gained human form and became "beastlings", as they liked to call themselves. Now, let's meet our heroes:
Triratna, the wolf-turned-monk, is able to see and severe karma lines—the threads of cause and effect tying everything together.
Taiqing, the fox-turned-priest, is an expert of transmuting substances and other Taoist spells.
Transia, the snake-turned-painter, is gifted with the ability to enter paintings and repaint her own appearances.
Lead three heroes, each with a unique ability, through a maze of curious events and find the mastermind behind it all. As you progress, three separate storylines will flow into one. Be the all-seeing eye and the guiding hand, switch perspectives, combine their powers overcome obstacles and solve mysteries. The fate of Qinglong is depending on you.
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