The protagonist, who spent his junior high school years being bullied because of his race as a human, tries to change himself at a high school full of furries, and by a strange turn of events, he decides to join a club called the Bakabu. What does the protagonist think about as he spends his days in a club whose purpose is to entertain everyone by making a fool of himself?
The distant and near future. A mutation creates a new race of furries, and before they know it, the world's population has changed dramatically.
The majority of the world is dominated by furries, and humans have become a rare species.
The protagonist, who spent his junior high school years being bullied because of his race as a human, tries to change himself at a high school full of furries, and by a strange turn of events, he decides to join a club called the Bakabu.
What does the protagonist think about as he spends his days in a club whose purpose is to entertain everyone by making a fool of himself?
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